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Jin Lee - February 16, 2025

Our Response to God's Call; Called to Believe, Sent to Proclaim

Discussion Questions Paul says the Israelites had “zeal without knowledge” (Romans 10:2). How can religious fervor sometimes blind people to the gospel? Why do you think salvation by faith alone is often so difficult for people to accept? Romans 10:14-15 emphasizes the necessity of preaching the gospel. What does that look like practically for you?

From Series: "Romans - Growing in Christ"

The Christian life is one of being rooted in Christ and growing in him. This spring we’ll continue in the book of Romans, exploring the foundational message of the Christian faith. The gospel is the good news of God’s grace and the finished work of Jesus Christ. Through his life, death, and resurrection, God offers forgiveness and adopts as his own all who repent and believe. It’s solely by grace that we have this secure hope, both now and for the future.

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