Jin Lee - October 20, 2024

Faith Alone: Boasting in God, Not in Ourselves

Discussion Questions What religious traditions or practices do you tend to rely on for a sense of spiritual validation, and how does embracing faith alone challenge and transform those habits? Abraham’s faith wavered at times, but he ultimately held fast to God’s promises. How can you use his example to strengthen your faith during moments of doubt or uncertainty? How can you help others recognize that their true worth comes from God’s forgiveness, especially when they are struggling with feelings of unworthiness?

From Series: "Romans - Rooted in Christ"

The Christian life is one of being rooted in Christ and growing in him. This fall we're diving into the book of Romans, exploring the foundational message of the Christian faith. The gospel is the good news of God’s grace and the finished work of Jesus Christ. Through his life, death, and resurrection, God offers forgiveness and adopts as his own all who repent and believe. It's solely by grace that we have this secure hope, both now and for the future.

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