Jin Lee - September 8, 2024

The Gospel: News That Changes Everything

Romans - Rooted in Christ

Discussion Questions In what areas of your life do you feel divided from others, and how can the gospel bring unity? How does the gospel challenge the idea that our value comes from what we accomplish? In what ways does the truth of God's grace offer freedom from performance-based living? How can you live out the gospel as a present power shaping your daily life, not just a past event?

From Series: "Romans - Rooted in Christ"

The Christian life is one of being rooted in Christ and growing in him. This fall we're diving into the book of Romans, exploring the foundational message of the Christian faith. The gospel is the good news of God’s grace and the finished work of Jesus Christ. Through his life, death, and resurrection, God offers forgiveness and adopts as his own all who repent and believe. It's solely by grace that we have this secure hope, both now and for the future.

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