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CloseJin Lee - September 12, 2021
God's Master Plan

Paul wrote this letter to a group of gentile believers in Ephesus who recently left a of cult emperor worship to become followers of Christ. In chapters 1-2 Paul presents foundational truths about who we are in Christ and the riches of our new relationship with God and each other. In Christ God created us into one new humanity, one church. Walls that divided us no longer stand. In chapters 4-6 Paul gives us very practical instructions about living as one humanity, not just for ourselves, but for each other. In this first sermon of the series pastor Jin encourages us with the reminder that God has a master plan for our lives that fills our deep longings for affirmation, redemption and security. Fully believing and accepting who are in Christ frees from having to live for ourselves and releases us to live for others.
Scripture References: Ephesians 1:3-14
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