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CloseJin Lee - June 13, 2021
Our Calling

In our sermon series, Chelten’s DNA, we explore who we are as a church and why it matters. We don’t exist for ourselves. We exist to worship the triune God (Upward), to care and nurture each other in truth and love (Inward), and to share the good news of Jesus Christ with the world (Outward). Through the parable of the Good Samaritan pastor Jin addresses Chelten’s outward calling as a church to share the good news of Jesus with the world. Like the expert in the Law in Luke 10, a chasm often exists between the beliefs we profess and the actions we take, or fail to take. When the rubber meets the road, a sense of religious duty is not enough. Our calling requires a change of heart that begins when we realize that we are the half-dead man lying on the side of the road, and Jesus is our good Samaritan. To the measure we grasp what Jesus did for us, we will be compelled to do for others.
Scripture References: Luke 10:25-37
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