Bill Smith - January 8, 2017
Grace Brings Hope to the Hopeless

Scripture References: Genesis 16:1-6
From Series: "Grace Loves the Least"
What do you need when your world is spiraling out of control and there isn’t a whole lot you can do about it? What do you need when you feel like you, as a person, are spiraling out of control? You need God’s grace. You need confidence that God can handle your world—that he will help you and not hurt you. In this series our pastors take you to some people in the Bible whose worlds were out of control. They were needy, petty and stubborn—even mean. Perhaps the world thought of them as the “least” of humanity. In their stories you’ll see God at his best caring for people who were not at their best. You’ll see grace interacting in love, mercy and kindness. You’ll see God helping, not harming. Our prayer is that seeing God at his best will give you confidence that he will help you when you are not at yours.